Strategic theme 1

Open Science

Open Science represents a new, more open and inclusive way of providing academic education and conducting research. This calls for more collaboration and greater transparency in all phases of research. Just like research results and methods, teaching methods will be developed more collaboratively and shared more openly in the future. This sharing will not only be between researchers and lecturers, but also with society as a whole. It will boost the quality and efficiency of research and education as well as encourage innovation, creativity and opportunities for breakthroughs. We also expect that greater openness and transparency will improve trust and confidence in science.

To make Open Science the standard working method, the way science is practised must change. Existing systems for valuing and rewarding academic research and teaching, with their overemphasis on the number of academic publications, no longer suffice. And society will need to be more effectively involved in the practice of research.

We will also need to invest in an efficient, open data infrastructure, alternative systems of publication, and open platforms. Staff will be trained in order to ensure that they have the necessary expertise to provide appropriate services in such areas as good data management and open publication and that their knowledge is kept up-to-date. Pilot projects and coordination will be areas that require close attention. Through investment, we can ensure that more knowledge becomes freely available. This will help bridge the gap between scientific knowledge and society.

“This is a new, more open and inclusive way to educate and research.”

The Library’s approach to Open Science in 2020-2024 For TU Delft, Open Science will require two important changes that will form the basis for the next steps in making knowledge findable, visible, shareable and reusable. This will move TU Delft forward from the information age to the open era. We will start by moving from a closed to an open infrastructure, in which both final and interim results can be stored and shared. The Library is committed to achieving a transition into a reliable, open infrastructure for recording, publishing and disseminating TU Delft research. Next, there needs to be a culture shift within TU Delft, so that researchers and lecturers will make their knowledge freely available in the appropriate way. The Library will inspire, facilitate and drive this culture shift, based on our conviction that Open Science will make research and education on campus easier.

“The Library helps to make knowledge more easy to access, share and reuse.”

Open Science

Key action points for 2020-2024

Key action point 1: Initiator of the TU Delft-wide strategic programme: “Research and Education in the Open Era”

Key action point 2: Developing Open Science expertise and applying it in day-to-day practice

Key action point 3: An open infrastructure for academic communication

Key action point 4: Services that make research and education on campus easier