Come coordinate with us

TU Delft has been very successful in European research projects in the past. To build on that success, we would like to take on the role of coordinator more often, as we believe this can help us to achieve our mission: impact for a better society. In this publication, coordinators share their experiences, and their advice. Yes, coordination takes time, starting with writing the proposal.  It also has its rewards, as you will read. And all of them praise the support they got from the Valorisation Centre. So if you would like to know more about becoming a coordinator, please contact us at

Matthias Moeller

MOTOR: Multi-ObjecTive design Optimization of fluid eneRgy machines

Roelof Moll

Brigaid: Bridging the Gap for Innovations in Disaster Resilience

Ibo van de Poel

PRISMA: Piloting Responsible Research and innovation in Industry: a roadmap for tranSforMAtive technologies

Bruno Santos

ReMAP: Real-time Condition-based Maintenance for Adaptive Aircraft Maintenances

Roland Schmehl

AWESCO: Airborne Wind Energy System Modelling, Control and Optimisation

REACH: Resource Efficient Automatic Conversion of High-Altitude Wind

Said Hamdioui

MNEMOSENE: Computation-in-memory based on resistive devices